Cole Gallery

Jenna von Benedikt

Jenna von Benedikt

Born outside of London, England, Jenna gains inspiration from her European roots, places she’s lived, travelled, as well as her current surroundings in Utah’s Rocky Mountains.

Her work often draws on the meaning of her name, “Little Bird,” and is inspired by man’s connection and stewardship of the earth. Jenna is curious that the Creation story is strongly emphasized in her faith numerous times, and enjoys translating the idea of creatures--birds particularly-- as ethereal messengers bridging the gap between heaven and Earth. The idea of incorporating patterns and designs with the various subjects found in the days of the Creation story is a way Jenna connects symbolism and personal beliefs with her surroundings, as seen in her #saintedbirds, #saintedbeasts and #saintedbugs series. Her goal is to capture the story and soul of her subjects against an atmosphere that entertains both human and wild beauty.

​While searching names for her children, Jenna discovered one meaning of her own name, 'Little Bird' and created a series of hummingbirds translating thoughts/beliefs as seen through these tiny creatures.  Like our lives often seem to be, they too are fast paced and there is something beautiful in trying to seize their stillness & unique colorful qualities--moments we often take for granted or miss within our own interactions with others.

After spending a semester studying abroad in Italy (BYU/Santa Reparata School of Art) and participating in a group show in New Zealand, Jenna graduated from Brigham Young University with a BFA (2006). She has since participated in numerous shows throughout Utah and the US. Her work is enjoyed nationally.

Jenna enjoys singing, ballroom dancing, riding horses and spending time outdoors with her husband and four young children.